Monday 16 June 2008

Two Buildings Designed by MAD

This is the first built project designed by MAD, the Red Snail Villa in Beijing. The quality of the curve roof is so poor that you can see the cracking and bumping on the outside surface.


Apparently the Yansong Ma's porsche is much better articulated than the designed architecture. Ma was showing off his new car's motor while his staff surrounding him.


These two photos was taken on the site of another villa in Inner Mongolia of China. It's still under contruction. From the photos, it looks like the facade finishes can be improved easily. The last thing they can do is to brush off and re-render the whole thing. However, the down pipe extending outside the wall seems a bit agressive and not easy to disguise. What poor details!


不知道马岩松在这个问题上面怎么想的。我的一个朋友在MAD负责后期工地配合。一塌糊涂的现场照片一张张放给小马看,据说马是这么回复的:你自己看着办解决吧。完全一幅不痛不痒的样子。马自己在新出的MAD DINNER这本书里也说了,他要头疼的问题,是楼板楼梯能不能对上的问题;言下之意,像外立面裂口子这样的小问题,根本来不及操心。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello, it's very lucky to meet you here. my name is Rui Liu and Im also studying architecture course in UK(NOW is undergraduate year2).

i've been attracted by the new parametric design mathodology for while, but unfortunatelly cannot find way to get it started...

could you give me a contact way please. I got tons of questions about architecture, about AA school's chinese designers.

thank you very much.