TW Flying Dragon Tower Competition

Credit to dotA

Team leader: Gao Yan, Chang Qiang

Team: 朵宁 Mr. DUO, Ning / 刘立早 Mr. Eric Lau / 李智慧 Mr. Lee, Zhi Hui / 何励琦 Ms. HO, Nikki Lai Ki / 纪晓恩 Mr. JI, Xiao En

Flying Dragon is a unique design which comprehensively responds the requirements of the brief, e.g. a new regional icon, reflction of the Taichung spirits, tour attraction and entertainment, clean energy, telecommunication, etc.

The spirites of Flying Dragon

Alike a rising dragon, this tower is initiated by the intention of creating an unprecedent dynamic viewing experience from a double helix, which in-turn trigers a series of symbolic meanings from traditional Chinese elements, such as Hua Biao, spiral dragon, bamboo, DNA, Kapok (Representational flower of Taichung County).
This proposal reflects the in-depth understanding of the genuine nature of Taiwan, i.e. multiplicity, philanthropy and harmony through the innovative and practical design outcomes. As the most prestigious totem to Chinese people, dragon represents the beauty of movement.Bamboo is one of the local resources in Taichung, which is also echoed through the segmental profile.

Interaction between Flying Dragon and the city

Flying Dragon is the combination of strength (spiral frame) and softness (tension cable) as if a inherent member of the natural features whithin Taichung Central Park.

The constant spiraling 88 capsules reflect the vibrant city life and animated activities.

This tower integrates itself into the existing green network through the system of wetland parks and local vegitations.

The principles of sustainable design, e.g. passive cooling and clean energy generation, are implimented as the engine to enpower the process of creation.





• 从形态上,硬朗(螺旋上升的轨道)而柔美(直线连接的缆绳),形成了统领城市与区域之势,其曲线的轮廓线形态与公园的自然形态相映成趣;

• 从氛围上,形若木棉红花的88个舱体旋转上升、运转不停,与熙攘多彩的市民生活呼应互动;
• 从生态上,大面积的种植、水面、湿地,与中央公园植被交织穿插,形成独特的都市生态环境样板;

• 从能源上,通过在塔内植入系列新型垂直风力发电机和被动式换气,建筑不只是能源消耗体,还成为洁净能源的提供者。