NoDE is curating a special issue called Parametric Design for World Architecture Magazine, Tsinghua China. In this issue, Yan wrote Parametric Design-More Efficient Design Technology and Technique supported by the projects he has done in both NoDE and his current office Marks Barfield Architects.
参数化设计(Parametric Design)不等同于数字化设计(Digital Design),后者在范围上包含前者。参数化定义了事物之间的关系,通过在变量与输出之间建立联系,形成衍生关系。它关注的是事物之间的联系,而非事物本身的形式,形式成为目的性的副产品。参数化设计借助计算机运算技术和建筑设计软件交互性界面的发展,量化了事物之间的参数化设计逻辑,在实际工程建造中拓展了一片新天地,它不仅是能够实现复杂性设计的技术工具,同时也可以优化已有的主流建筑设计工作流程。目前很多大型国际竞赛的获奖作品,都得益于复杂性设计的理念和技术,比如位于沙特阿拉伯港口城市吉达的国际机场获胜方案(OMA 设计),刚刚揭晓的深圳机场3 号候机楼获胜方案(意大利建筑事务所Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas 设计),正在建设的位于科威特的阿尔汗布拉-费尔杜斯大厦(SOM设计),即将投入使用的西班牙萨拉格萨廊桥(Zaha Hardid 设计),和已经落成的位于华盛顿的Robert and ArleneKogod Courtyard玻璃顶棚(Norman Foster & Partners设计)等等。
对于本期材料的组织,开篇便明确了参数化设计的若干关键概念;之后是和KPF资深合伙人的访谈,力图理清参数化设计的来龙去脉 ;再后是两篇结合实践项目解释参数化设计具体应用的文章;选例部分选取了已经、正在和即将落成的项目实例,结合设计师的精辟解说,从实际性逐渐过渡到试验性(结尾Ecologic 的仿生建筑原型的研究)的排列顺序,既让读者领略到参数化设计的实用现状,又有机会瞥见在不久的将来的应用潜力。此外,卡斯的“群集建筑”在理论的层面上进一步挖掘了参数化设计的重要意义。
Parametric design is overwhelmingly becoming the main stream from the so-called avant-garde positionin the context of the rapid digital technology evolvementat present. After the issue Articulating Complexitypublished in Apr 2006, which outlined the superficial phenomenon, WA extends the discussion of complexdesign with this issue-Parametric Design, which aimsto look into the phenomenon and disclose howparametric design formalize the ideas of complex design.
Parametric Design isn’t the synonym with Digital Design, which in fact includes the former in scope.Parametric defines the relationship between parts,or in another word, a generation engine by setting up parametric relationship between inputs and outputs.It focuses more on the connections rather than the objects themselves. Form becomes by-product underthe purpose of pursuing innovative form. Supported by the development of advanced computational technology and the improvement of software interface, parametric design opens up a new world due to its capability of numeric expression of parametric logic. Apparently many preeminent international competition winners havebenefited the fruit of fulfilling the complex designconcept and techniques, e.g. the recent winingschemes - Jeddah International Airport designed byOMA and Shen Zhen Terminal 3 designed by Italianpractice Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, the underconstructionscheme - Al Hamra Firdous Tower inKuwait designed by SOM, the to-be-opened ZaragozaBridge Pavilion in Spain designed by Zaha Hardid, thecompleted Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard glassroof designed by Norman Foster, etc.
While experiencing the power of this new wave, it is noticeable that such advanced design technology and techniques haven’t stirred big ripples yet inChina, which can be understood as many reasons. The domestic academic arena has more interests in exploring the architectural design in mental level such as philosophy, concepts and intention, rather than in physical level such as design and fabrication technologies. It is known that theory and technologyin western have always been developed in parallel.They feed into each other, inspire each other, andfacilitate each other, which has barely happened incontemporary Chinese architectural history. One mainreason is that the origin of the current computertechnology was built upon the western system oflanguage and logic, which makes it almost impossible for Chinese architects to over take the current ongoing digital intelligence collectively. Other than that, insubjective level, we tend to pursue the mentalsatisfaction escalating from the void, which is gettingmore embraced in technology evolvement of themodern history. Consequently it is prevalent for us tosing high praise of our tradition and profound easternculture while envisaging the western wave. Low-Techis one of those approaches showing our wisdom of avoiding the competitor’s strength by focusing our own advantages instead. Lastly, the rapid and vastdevelopment environment makes the domesticarchitects unable to study and apply the advanced computational technology. However, as I believe, there would be more and more demands for complex design approaches after the completion of Bird Nest and Water Cube for Beijing 2008 Olympics.
This issue will focus on the substantial design technology and relevant knowledge. By disclosing atiny corner of the whole iceberg, I wish this issue would inspire the domestic architects to catch up andbe competitive in the same arena with global architects. Or more precisely, to make us understand why, what and how parametric design is becoming themain stream globally.
As regarding the material selection and organization, the first article explains some fundamental definitions of parametric design, followedby the interview with Kas Hesselgren aiming to trace back and look forward the context of parametricdesign, and another two articles demonstrating how parametric design has been applied to practice specifically. The projects which we chose are either completed, being under construction or yet to bedone alongside the designers’spot-on explanation, moving from practical in the beginning towards experimental in the end (Ecologic, Towards Bionic Architecture), so that readers can not only believe the significance of application of parametric design, but also glimpse its potential in the near future. Otherthan these, Swam Architecture finally leads readersto the deeper thinking to the theory extend.
In the end, I would like to express myacknowledgement to those who has advised andcontributed to this issue. □ (GAO Yan)
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